Photo of Lovers taken by Keith Tsuji Photography

Photo taken by Keith Tsuji Photography - Lovers

This photo is included by "Lovers".
"Lovers" has 22 photos.
Keywords like Wedding, Bridal, etc. attached to those wedding photos.

Keith Tsuji Photography

Keith Tsuji Photography

English Japanese Traditional Chinese



About Keith Tsuji Photography

Never content to do one thing at a time, photographer Keith Tsuji is a true multi-talented artist. Keith's passion for graphic design and illustration have, in recent years, evolved to embrace the art of photography. His work journals the places he has lived, including: Taiwan, his birthplace; Hong Kong, where he received his design diploma; Los Angeles, where he spent most of his time and earned his bachelor's degree.
Keith is now splitting his time between Tokyo and Hong Kong and continuing as an editorial photographer for Getty Images. His work appears in The New York Times, Oracle Magazine, Walmart, Bosch just to name a few. He also provides lifestyle and wedding photography services.

Albums of Keith Tsuji Photography

Destination Wedding Photographers | Famarry