Unbeknownst to his girlfriend Cyan, Jun had contacted us while planning their holiday to Japan. He wanted to surprise her with a proposal in a field of flowers and capture the moment on camera! We were delighted to connect him with an English speaking photographer in the area, Lykke Photo Style, and together they carefully planned the photo shoot - right down to what the couple would be wearing on the day.
Jun playing it cool...
Cyan has no idea of the romantic proposal that is about to unfold.
Just before the big moment...
Will everything go as planned?
Phew! The surprise proposal was a huge success and captured on camera to be cherished forever.
After the beautiful proposal, the couple had plenty of time to spare to take pictures in other areas of the fields. The early summer weather brings with it the blossoming of thousands of colorful flowers and is the perfect location for a fun, romantic photo shoot. The lavender flowers were first brought to Hokkaido in the mid-1900s and have since grown into the spectacular sight they are today. This area is known to be home to many lavender farms and goods such as fragrant soaps and essential oils. You can also see other beautiful flowers in the fields such as lupines, poppies, tulips and more. The vibrant flowers make a wonderful backdrop for any occasion. It is recommended that you visit the fields around early to mid summer to see the flowers in full bloom.
Even though the weather brought a few clouds, it didn't dampen the couples' spirits in the least. With the help of their photographer Lykke Photo Style, the proposal (and all the pictures that came with it) was a huge success!
Congratulations to Cyan and Jun!
Photo shoot location
Lykke Photo Style